QUACK Sound Effects Studio V3.0 ------------------------------- QUACK V3.0 has a new look, some great new components, and a whole lot more. Here are the diferences since V2.0: New components -------------- Sequencer - sequence, delay and repeat up to 4 different sounds to build complex sound sequences out of basic elements (you can also daisy-chain Sequencer components to add more than 4 sounds). Echo - you can guess what this component does! Music modulator - allows you to set oscillator frequencies in terms of musical notes rather than Hertz, and also to generate musically linear FM. Fuzz - amplitude clipping to add distortion effects, in a variety of ways Comb filter - the classic delay-line notch filter, which can do wonderful things to white noise and other complex signals. Top Hat filter - another classic filter, the moving average filter, in both lowpass and highpass variants. Tweak - floating windows which can be attached to key parameters, making it much easier to change values while experimenting. Some existing components have been improved: Sawtooth, Squarewave - now the mark/space ratio can be controlled dynamically. Noise - now has an offset value. All oscillators - are now phase adjustable. Usability enhancements ---------------------- The most visible new feature is the new-look component icons - both the icons and their inputs are colour coded according to a standard system so that it is much easier to see what is going on. QUACK can now be registered by password, so you can register by email without having to wait for your disk to arrive by post. Our example patch maps are now cataloged and indexed in HTML, so that you can use your preferred Web Browser to search for examples which illustrate techniques which interest you. Our new tools menu allows you to launch your favorite companion applications from within QUACK. Improved "Set Soundfile" functionality makes it easier to fine tune your creations. We also hope that our new Win95 style Help and Tip Of The Day will make life easier. Shareware Version ----------------- If you are using a shareware version of QUACK, please read the information under Help|Registration, and register within 30 days if you wish to continue using the product. You will then receive a password which will unlock the full functionality of QUACK. Note that the shareware version is save disabled - if you want to save your completed patch maps, you will have to register. But don't worry, it is still available at the same low price it has always been! Coming soon... -------------- Future versions of QUACK are expected to include: Some great new components: - Wavetable generation - Digital filters - Generic envelopes - much more....... Enhanced support for different output formats (including MIDI patches). More usability enhancements. Feedback -------- We would like to know if you find bugs, or have ideas for how QUACK could be improved. We are also interested to know who is using QUACK, what for, and what they think about it, so that we can develop QUACK is the right direction. Also, if you develop any killer Patch Maps which you would like to share with the world, why not send them in? We will include the best with the next release. Contact us at morello@mag-net.co.uk or PO Box 3201 Milton Keynes MK5 7ZY ENGLAND or http://morello.wildnet.co.uk